Olawale Olayemi
June 2, 2024


Bible Reading: Acts 13: 1 – 10; Matthew 28: 18-20
Five Common Excuses for Avoiding Missions:
1. I am not called to missions
2. I can’t raise all the money needed for missions
3. Missions is too dangerous
4. Old-fashioned missions is no longer needed
5. I am not qualified to be a missionary.
Way to Commit to Missions
• Pray for Guidance: Proverbs 3:5-6
• Seek God’s Will: Jeremiah 29:11
• Follow Jesus’ Example: Matthew 28:19-20
• Trust in God’s Provision: Philippians 4:19
• Prepare Yourself Spiritually: Ephesians 6:10-11
• Serve with Love and Compassion: 1 Peter 4:10
• Seek Wisdom and Discernment: James 1:5
• Trust in God’s Strength: Isaiah 41:10
Six Ways to Be Involved in Missions
* Praying: Pray for God to send out workers into the harvest.
* Sending: Support missionary with a monthly pledge, encouraging letter/email to a missionary, be intentional about sending birthday and holiday cards to missionaries.
* Going: Talk to Church Elders about your desire to serve, become a “tentmaker,” using your professional skills to gain access to another country.
* Welcoming: Ask God to give you an opportunity to welcome people from other places, volunteer to host students visiting from other places.
* Learning: Read biography of a missionary, subscribe to free magazine, take the Perspectives Course when it’s offered.
* Mobilizing: Keep updated with missionaries and bring their prayer needs before your home group, become an advocate for a missionary you know to help them gain new partners, encourage your children or grandchildren to consider becoming a missionary in the future.
3 Reasons Why Missions Work is Important
1) The World Needs Good News – The Samaritan woman believed that Jesus was good news—news too good not to share.
2) Missions is Part of Our Identity – 1 Peter 2:9. God made us “a people for his own possession” to tell others of his “excellencies”, one of those being the sacrifice he made to save us.
3) Missions is Part of Our Faith – (Mark 16:15) Missions is inseparable from our faith.

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