Augustine Okoruwa
July 9, 2023
TEXT: 1 JOHN 5: 4, 5; 2 PETER 1: 3,4; JOHN 14: 12-14
Right from the creation of the world, God has not left man on the defeatist side of life. God gave man the power and dominion over all other creatures created by God. Even when man fell, God did not abandon him, but went ahead to execute His plan for redemption. He announced the coming of His only Son, Jesus Christ, who would bruise the head of the serpent and restore man’s dominion. In today’s dispensation, God has made a lot of provisions that will enable every Christian to live a victorious life in thisend time that is full of different challenges.
Some of the provisions God has made for our victorious living include:
1. Understanding who you are by Creation:
a. One of the attributes of God is that He is “Omnipotent”. Consequently, victory is the attribute of God and man was made in His image.
b. Nothing defeats God. Pharoah’s army’s attempt failed in their pursuit of God’s people when God showed up at the Red Sea: Exo. 15:3-5.
c. The virtue of being victorious was deposited in man during creation by God’s as seen in His pronouncement in Gen. 1:28
d. God expects everyone weak in the spirit to wake up from slumber, realize who God made you to be and exercise that authority in you.
2. Experience of the New Birth: John 3:3; 1 John 5:4; 2 Cor 5:17
a. BeingBorn-Again: Salvation in Christ Jesus is key to living the life of victory. Only born-again children of God can withstand and overcome the challenges from the kingdom of darkness. Those living in sin cannot.
b. Today, the church should wake up to her duty; ensuring that those who were born into the church and/or those who joined the church have personal encounter with Jesus. Are you truly Born Again as a member of the universal church?
3. The Holy Spirit our Helper: Acts 2: 37-41; John 16:1-8
a. By human nature, we are weak and frail but the Holy Spirit is our helper. Before the advent of the Holy Spirit, Apostle Peter denied Jesus three times. He also went back to fishing for fear and doubt while Jesus was still in the grave.
b. Jesus, before His departure assured His disciples of the coming of the Holy Spirit as the Comforter. With the power of the Holy Spirit, the apostles overcame temptations, intimidations, and persecution. They stood firm even to the extent of paying with their lives.
c. We cannot do more today without the Holy Spirit. We need Him to teach, help, guideand empower us to run the Christian race successfully.
d. Those who have not been baptized in the Holy Spirit should hunger, wait, be filled, and led by Him. Pastors should also avail the unbaptized ones with the opportunity to be baptized during church services.
4. Engagement in Kingdom Service: Isa 38: 1-5; Psalm 91: 1-13
a. Hezekiah challenged his death verdict pronounced by God through the mouth of Prophet Isaiah. He reminded God of all his activities in the kingdom service that made God change His mind and added fifteen more years. What faithful service in the kingdom do you have to plead your cause before God?
b. Those who are active in Kingdom services in God’s house attracts the favor of God upon themselves and that grace of God upon their lives helps them triumph over forces of darkness.
c. When you are busy in the house of the Lord, you will have no time with the children of darkness to stain yourself with iniquities.
d. The more you engage in kingdom service, the more the grace of God comes upon you and the more spiritual stamina you garner for victorious exploits.
CONCLUSION (I): God has not left us helpless in this wicked world; He has made adequate provisions for our victorious living.