Rev. Dr. A. A. Obe (JP)
November 5, 2023
TEXT: Haggai 2:1-9
Glory is used to describe the manifestation of God’s presence in the life of a man.
Another way Glory is commonly used in the Bible is to describe the Praise, honor, splendor, holiness, power and majesty of God.
The name Haggai means happy, or festival which is the period of happiness.
Haggai lived after the people of Judah came back from Babylon
1. Observe God’s statement in verse 6
a. I will shake the heavens
b. I will shake the Earth
c. I will shake the sea
d. I will check the dry land
e. I will shake all nations. Vs 7
2. Observe God’s statement in verse 7b
a. The desires of the nations shall be for God
b. God will fill the temple with His Glory
3. Observe the statement in verse 8
A. This lever is from God
B. The gold is from God
4. Note verse 9
A. The coming glory will be greater
B. And there shall be peace
What to note:
The people must be strong
1. Be Strong Zerubabel (Governor )
2. Be Strong Joshua (High priest)
3. Be Strong All people (the Nation)
What happens when we don’t do the will of God
1. They will save much, but have little
2. They will eat but don’t have enough
3. They will drink but not be filled
4. They will put on clothes but not be warm
5. They will earn wages but the bags will have holes.
Psalm 126:1-6